CFC ANCOP Australia

CFC ANCOP Australia is a non-profit non-government company established in Australia since 2002. It is involved in promoting self-sustainable development in developing countries in the region.

ANswering the Cry Of the Poor! (A.N.C.O.P)

The company (ANCOP) has an AUSAID accreditation for Overseas Aid Grant Distribution Scheme (OAGDS) and is a registered tax-deductible charity organization with the Australian Tax Office.

To date CFC ANCOP Australia has established 31 villages in the Philippines and helped one in Papua New Guinea. It has undertaken assistance to nine other villages in partnership with other organizations in Australia and around the world. Its main priority, currently, is to continue to sustain these villages by providing education and livelihood to its residents.

One with the Catholic Church, with Christ as the center and mover of our work, we endeavor to be witness and example of Christ’s love and service.

Community organization